Wednesday 30 September 2015


Friendship is a bond that exists between humans. I'm sure many of us have a good friend who can keep the promise and be loyal listeners when we are sad or happy .I also have a good friend name Aina Syazwani . She was always loyal to me. She also like the diary of my travels because she keeps a variety of memories I had gone through. I can't imagine how my days without her. So wherever I am and she always shared. She will defend me when I am in shame. As well as me, we protect between each other of danger.We also help each other with schoolwork, and family and problems. She helps me through my thoughest times, and she there for my best times.

It's really hard to find a friend like her. Maybe you just have a good friend that you can count on sometimes, but just her come and calm me when i am in depression. Without her I would not be as happy as now. We have so many inside jokes but not everyone understand our stupid jokes, and they might think that we are immature person that try to happy entertain people.

Aina the kind of person that I could never lie to . Even if I did try to lie or hiding some secret emotion from her, she can detect because she knows me so well then other and she also counld tell that I was lying.She also knows all my expressions and how expressions and how I sound when I'm hyper, frustrated, depressed ,annoyed or happy.She the best ever things in my life.Just remember one thing, a strong friendship doesn't need a daily conversation doesn't need togetherness, as long the relationship live in the heart true friend will never part 

Tuesday 29 September 2015


Malaysia is a country that is unique because there are different types of religion , race, culture and foods.In addition,Malaysia has also received an award at the international level because of the rapid economic development .Malaysia are 61% malays , 30% chinese , 8% indians and 1% of other ethicMalaysia is a multiracial country. Today , Malaysia has a population of 23.27 million. Facts about the numbers of ectnic group in groups.

The diversity of race, religion and culture are important features of our country. Malaysia is a multiracial country with a rich cultural heritage.Malaysia is unique to the concept of ' open house ' where during the celebration of diverse cultures and religions such as Hari Raya , Chinese New Year , Deepavali , Hari Gawai and others.Friends and family and even strangers would visit their homes celebration to wish them well and enjoy a meal prepared by the host.While visitors may be from different races but they still can tolerate with each another and live under the same place where they celebrated different celebration. This will help to strengthen relations between them.Stability and peace of Malaysia has also become our uniqueness . We live in harmony in a country where there is no war and conflict among Malaysians .

-example song of Hari Raya :

-example song of Chinese New Year :
-example song festival Deepavali :

On top of that,there are many interesting places in the country such as beaches , islands and rainforest. Malaysia's rain forest is considered as the oldest in the world . The various species of animals and plants continue to generate a lot of scientific research . Many believe that some plants may hold undiscovered cures to human diseases currently incurable . There are many islands in our country such as Pulau Langkawi , Pulau Redang , Crab Island and many others . Pulau Langkawi has many historitical information . Those in favor of history can go there to explore the history of the place . All beaches on the islands are beautiful. The sand is soft and white . It also -established and that makes people the island an ideal place to visit .Many sights much more interesting little known to the public such as The Dusun,Mantin,Negeri Sembilan , Belum Eco Resort,Perak , Terrapuri Haritage Village,Terengganu.



NAME : BOBOY(died)
    HELLO GUYS!! I'm EYLAH. Before I start my articler about pets, I want to ask you guys a question. Just answer it in your heart. :)  Do you love pets? Do you have pet? What kind of pet you have? And why there have a person not love pet?? I wonder.  I'm very LOVE pets!!  I love to pets cat. That is why i had 13 cats. :D.. Cat is like someone who can increase my lovely feeling in myself.. And who can make me excited when I saw their cute face.

   At East cost of Malaysia. last week, I went to Veterinary Clinic, veterinarian had told me that too many cat have been died because of viruses from flood disaster in December 2014. I'm felt so sad when I heard that news. Actually, my cats also died on that time. Just 3 cats are safe from 13 cats TT.. Even they are died it doesn't make me down to pets more cats..

Thats three cats that are left are still in good health. I'm so
happy because there are still left and one of them pregnant. So, I've got new kitten. Just one but.. yeah.. I'm still happy for it.. Now I'm study far from my house and stay in hostel. I rarely go home and I'm always miss them so much..

   Because i'm really do love cats. I'm always think to build a very big and comfortable cat cage behind of my house . I want to collect all stray cats and cure all of them with love.  I dont want to let them beaten by irresponsible people like in the video on youtube and the other website. I'm always got headache when I watched that bad video. I'm truly wonder what they are thinking in their mind to be so nasty to the cats. Not only cats but always the other pets. I'm very hoping that they're all who are be cruel with get what they're deserves..!! THE BAD THING I MEAN..!!

NAME : MAT ISA (died)
    So, I hope that my idea to build cats cage will come true. I really want to do so and I can't wait to build it. I'm just can imagine that I play with cat, clean them up and feed them. *I'm smile alone when I write this because I can feel that happiness :D ... 

 I'm really sure that most of you have a FACEBOOK .. So, why don't you join a group in FACEBOOK, where they're selling a cat like Persian cats, Maine coon cats, American bobtail cats, Coupari cats and more. But remember, they just selling in Malaysia only.  



Just this I can share about pets with you guys.. If you want to share story about your pets or anything else, just share it. Don't be shy because we have to do what we want to do . So, my article will stop here. THANK YOU SO MUCH for read this article.. 


Monday 28 September 2015

If i am a superhero

Lately, superhero movie have been trending all around the world since too many director have produced this kind of fantacy movie such as Batman, Spiderman, the latest one Antman and many more. And of course many people have been addicted by this kind of movie and fantasized themself as a superhero. I know, because I do. Hahahahaha. Seems like funny right? At my age, still fantasized to be like a superhero and trying to save the world. But for me, its normal in order to be an adult.

Okayy, lets go to the topic. If I am a superhero, what would I do? First and foremost, I want to save Palestinians from being Israel’s victim. Seem like impossible if I’m just an ordinary people, but when I was a superhero. Everything is possible to be. If we can see now days, too many Palestinians had died because of greediness Israel in order to take over the country that we call Palestin in order to controlled the world by get the oil even the whole country.  Whould you guys able to see the bloodshed of innocent people almost every second? Of course not. It was a domain reason why I want to be a superhero. I will make sure this crisis end soon and no more bloodshed at this holly country where our Nabi Muhammad were born.

Second, I wish that I have the ability to manipulated the weather. If we can see, by the end of every year, Malaysia will be the most rainy country and effect a horrible flood. This flood had curse all state in Malaysia especially at the east-cost of Malaysia like Terengganu, Kuantan and Kelantan. All the houses, plants and animal destroyed by this uncontrolled phenomenal. So, if I have the ability to manipulated the weather, I will make sure that Malaysia will  get an enough rain in the same time, make sure this phenomenal won’t happen. So, Malaysian will leave happily without worrying that this phenomenal will repeatly happen every year.

The next one, I wish that I have the ability to grow the threes in a blink of eyes. Why? Course Malaysia have not enough three that can help human in many ways. Wondering what kind of ‘helping’ that three gave to us? In our daily life. Where we get the air to breath? Yes, three gave it freely to us. But how that we can get it if three has been extinct? So, I need this ability to plant more threes and make it grow up quickly so then we can get more fresh air as soon as possible.

Last but not least, I’m hoping that I have been gave the ability to control the anger in human being. Course for me, anger can make the communities split. So, I want to control it in order to save the communities from split. Why not if  I just make this kind of feeling doesn’t exist? More easier right? Every feeling that god has given has their own reason and I believe its for our goods. But if we use all that feeling over than their limits, its will effect our life. I hope I can controlled every human from being too emotional and their bad temper so people in this world can live happily.

As I can conclude from all that I wish I can do, being a superhero is not an easy work. I have to control my own temper as I want to controlled others. I have to save the world and let my dear self being threatened. I have to concern about the weather all over the year and will be busy with it. I will be the person that as busy as our prime minister or maybe more than him. So, I think I have just going to sleep and had a dream about it. Course a dreaming will not taking my time to spend with my family and my life than being a truly superhero. And you guys out there can do it too! Lets sleep!

Sunday 20 September 2015


 During the blessed month of Ramadan, Muslim all over the world abstain from food, drink, and other physical needs during the daylight hours . As a time to purify the soul refocus attention on God , and practice self-sacrifice, Ramadan is much more than just not eating and drinking.

   The fast of Ramadan encourage self-restraint, God-consciousness, compassion, and collective worship. During the daylight hours, muslims abstain from eating, drinking and sexual activity, while striving to avoid all evil speech and any bad troughts or actions, As the Bulletin of the Islamic Culture Center of New York explained in their 1994 Ramadan issue, the fast must be understood as more than abstention from food and drink. "It also means abstention from the illegitimate use of our minds, our tongues and our heart"

   In Ramadan my family and I always iftar together, at that time the happiest moment when my mother cooked my favorite food . My family and I eat with taste it so delicious . After that we go to the mosque for terawih together . My brother like to play fireworks in Ramadan with his friend . Fasting and focusing on prayer and charity during Ramadan is meant to purify the body and spirit and bring the faithful closer to God , fasting during the month is also one of the five pillars is Islam . 

   Ramadan ends with a day long celebration known as Eidul-fitr. Eidul-fitr begins with a special morning prayer in grand Mosque and open ground od town and cities of the world, the prayer is attended by men , women and children with their new of best clothes. A special charity , known as Zakatul-fitr is given out prior to the prayer. The rest or the day is spent in visiting relatives and friends , giving gifts to children and eating .



I have one older sister and one younger brother . my sister's name is Adibah she is 20 years old and my younger brother's name is Aiman he is 17 years old .This year my brother will sit for SPM examination . He is also the most fun , lovable and adorable brother of all . I love my brother because he is responsible and understading person . My sister study at UITM Segamat, Johor . next semester will be the last sem for her to study there . She is always supportive towards me . She has been with me trough thick and thin . My brother and my sister has all the qualities of good sibling .
   Adibah had taken a lot of trouble to help me with my studies. She never fails to lend me a helping hand even when she is also busy with her assignment. One night, on the eve of my mid-term examination, she studies with me until midnight. I was happy that my sister was with me when I need the help as well as the moral support . Thanks to her, I had success in mid-term examination. 

   Aiman who is my younger brother in my sibling , has though me the value of caring and thanks to him I believe  i'm more compassionate to others. Now that I'm older and see life a different way, having my brother in my life has been a blessing. He always makes me laugh and I will always love him I think that the purpose of my brother coming to life is, letting me know that there is someone who needs me and loves me.

   I love my brother and sister dearly, even though they frustrate me, and annoy me at time . They are good siblings , and they are who would stand up for me and advise me when I am lost and confused . I am so lucky to have Adibah and Aiman as my siblings

Sunday 6 September 2015

Money is the root of all evil

What is money? i bet everyone know the meaning of this thng. From child untill to the old. In short, money is the meduim in trade. tes, money is nothing but only the medium in trade that people now days extremely looking for. In this modern globalization world, money is everything to us right? We need it in almost transaction we do every single day. Went to work? Need money. Buy groceries? Need money. Went to school? Also need this kind of medium in trade. When everything in this world have to start with money, it will make people being so obsess to get it more and more. Therefore, i agree with the statement "money is the root of all evil". Here are some reason why i support this statement.

First and foremost, if we can see, in this modern world, too many crime had exist because of money such as robbery, snatch, theft and burglary. Every single day, we can read this kind of issues in newspaper. "Gold shop at Jalan Mahkota had been roberred yesterday", "Granny had been snatch by a primary student at Jalan Ampang", "More than 100 active burglar around Kuantan" and many more. In the  other side, issues of bullying in school also increase from day to day.  Some student bullying the other student to get money from them. Why? Because every student came from different background. Some of them were from rich family and some of them may came from poor family. And because of that, bullying issues exist. Poor student will do anything to get money altough they know its not a good ways to get it. The first conclusion that i can made is, money make people sit in different status although they didn't want to.

Second reason. Let's explore the world of entreprenuership although we were not work in it. As we can see the example in the drama in the television. Every company internecine the other company to get a new billions value of tender. Is it good in company world? A company hire an employee to work in the other company to get an information about it and use it to see that company dissolve. Talk about a company, there's must be employee that work in it. How about employee act? Some of them were fight with each other in negative ways for promotion. Sabotaging others work to make his or her work were accepted. Dare to do anything to archive their goals. Why? HAHAHAH. Of course you can guess it. Money! It's the only reason that they have so far.

Want more prove that money is the root of all evil? Here is the third reason why, why, and why. Have you been experience that a child came to you at stall while you were ate and asking for some donation to the orphanage house or mosque? Do you think its true? What i mean is, is it that money were truly donate to the orphanage or there is someone out there were forcing their child to get the money for them? Don't you think about it/ I didn't say that all of this were lying, but some of them may do that for thier own needs. Because this had happen and police had caught many kind of cyndicate. So, behaveon donating. In the other side. Issues about baby or child have been kidnap by a cyndicate and they has been murdered to get thier organ. Why they want thier organ? And why child and not the olders. We have an organ too right? Because child's organ have thier own market. Organ in child's have an expensive value now days. And that's why child being thier goals. Because of that 'EXPENSIVE VALUE', some of people out there dares to kidnap child to achive thier goals. what kind of goals? Money.

We have been explore the world issues in making money as the root of all evil. Now, find out this important of money in a family. All parents out there want to fulfil their children needs and thier own too. So, they work hard each day and night to archive more money so they can live happily without thinking about problems. Because for them money can bring them a happines. But in while they busy working, they didn't realize that they had ignored their children. They forget to fill their sons and daughter's soul with love. Day by day, they just give them money and thier children soon will think same like them. "Money is everything". While we coudn't bring it when we died. Is this what we want to teach our children? Tell me. This is all what you want? When we teach them like that, when they grow up, they will grow as a greedy human. Until they dare to kill their parent for thier properties. We want to die before the time had be given? And after we died, our child fighthing with thier sibliings term of deciding who is suppose to get the properties of ours. Are this reason why we work hard day by day to get money for? think.

Malaysian ave been independence for 58 years while Palestin still fight for thier independence from Israel. Why Israel keep on killing Palestineans? Keep on bombing them. What did they want? They were looking for a country that full with oil. You know what? Now days, when you hold the market of oil, you will hold the world. That's what Israel want. They want to hold  this world and because of that, they dare to kill palestineans. If Palestin give thier country in peace maybe this kind of war will not happen. But should they do that in order to fulfil the Israel's aim? Should they? The answer is depends on how you think.

The conclusion is. Money is the root of all evil thee that have been grown in every human's soul. Money made people lose thier soul and live without soul is the worst thing ever. I'm not saying that we doesn't need money and can live without it. But this kind of medium in trade just bring more worst than better, And maybe we should use the old kind of transaction that we call system barter to bring  human's soul back.