Sunday 6 September 2015

Money is the root of all evil

What is money? i bet everyone know the meaning of this thng. From child untill to the old. In short, money is the meduim in trade. tes, money is nothing but only the medium in trade that people now days extremely looking for. In this modern globalization world, money is everything to us right? We need it in almost transaction we do every single day. Went to work? Need money. Buy groceries? Need money. Went to school? Also need this kind of medium in trade. When everything in this world have to start with money, it will make people being so obsess to get it more and more. Therefore, i agree with the statement "money is the root of all evil". Here are some reason why i support this statement.

First and foremost, if we can see, in this modern world, too many crime had exist because of money such as robbery, snatch, theft and burglary. Every single day, we can read this kind of issues in newspaper. "Gold shop at Jalan Mahkota had been roberred yesterday", "Granny had been snatch by a primary student at Jalan Ampang", "More than 100 active burglar around Kuantan" and many more. In the  other side, issues of bullying in school also increase from day to day.  Some student bullying the other student to get money from them. Why? Because every student came from different background. Some of them were from rich family and some of them may came from poor family. And because of that, bullying issues exist. Poor student will do anything to get money altough they know its not a good ways to get it. The first conclusion that i can made is, money make people sit in different status although they didn't want to.

Second reason. Let's explore the world of entreprenuership although we were not work in it. As we can see the example in the drama in the television. Every company internecine the other company to get a new billions value of tender. Is it good in company world? A company hire an employee to work in the other company to get an information about it and use it to see that company dissolve. Talk about a company, there's must be employee that work in it. How about employee act? Some of them were fight with each other in negative ways for promotion. Sabotaging others work to make his or her work were accepted. Dare to do anything to archive their goals. Why? HAHAHAH. Of course you can guess it. Money! It's the only reason that they have so far.

Want more prove that money is the root of all evil? Here is the third reason why, why, and why. Have you been experience that a child came to you at stall while you were ate and asking for some donation to the orphanage house or mosque? Do you think its true? What i mean is, is it that money were truly donate to the orphanage or there is someone out there were forcing their child to get the money for them? Don't you think about it/ I didn't say that all of this were lying, but some of them may do that for thier own needs. Because this had happen and police had caught many kind of cyndicate. So, behaveon donating. In the other side. Issues about baby or child have been kidnap by a cyndicate and they has been murdered to get thier organ. Why they want thier organ? And why child and not the olders. We have an organ too right? Because child's organ have thier own market. Organ in child's have an expensive value now days. And that's why child being thier goals. Because of that 'EXPENSIVE VALUE', some of people out there dares to kidnap child to achive thier goals. what kind of goals? Money.

We have been explore the world issues in making money as the root of all evil. Now, find out this important of money in a family. All parents out there want to fulfil their children needs and thier own too. So, they work hard each day and night to archive more money so they can live happily without thinking about problems. Because for them money can bring them a happines. But in while they busy working, they didn't realize that they had ignored their children. They forget to fill their sons and daughter's soul with love. Day by day, they just give them money and thier children soon will think same like them. "Money is everything". While we coudn't bring it when we died. Is this what we want to teach our children? Tell me. This is all what you want? When we teach them like that, when they grow up, they will grow as a greedy human. Until they dare to kill their parent for thier properties. We want to die before the time had be given? And after we died, our child fighthing with thier sibliings term of deciding who is suppose to get the properties of ours. Are this reason why we work hard day by day to get money for? think.

Malaysian ave been independence for 58 years while Palestin still fight for thier independence from Israel. Why Israel keep on killing Palestineans? Keep on bombing them. What did they want? They were looking for a country that full with oil. You know what? Now days, when you hold the market of oil, you will hold the world. That's what Israel want. They want to hold  this world and because of that, they dare to kill palestineans. If Palestin give thier country in peace maybe this kind of war will not happen. But should they do that in order to fulfil the Israel's aim? Should they? The answer is depends on how you think.

The conclusion is. Money is the root of all evil thee that have been grown in every human's soul. Money made people lose thier soul and live without soul is the worst thing ever. I'm not saying that we doesn't need money and can live without it. But this kind of medium in trade just bring more worst than better, And maybe we should use the old kind of transaction that we call system barter to bring  human's soul back.

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