Sunday 20 September 2015


 During the blessed month of Ramadan, Muslim all over the world abstain from food, drink, and other physical needs during the daylight hours . As a time to purify the soul refocus attention on God , and practice self-sacrifice, Ramadan is much more than just not eating and drinking.

   The fast of Ramadan encourage self-restraint, God-consciousness, compassion, and collective worship. During the daylight hours, muslims abstain from eating, drinking and sexual activity, while striving to avoid all evil speech and any bad troughts or actions, As the Bulletin of the Islamic Culture Center of New York explained in their 1994 Ramadan issue, the fast must be understood as more than abstention from food and drink. "It also means abstention from the illegitimate use of our minds, our tongues and our heart"

   In Ramadan my family and I always iftar together, at that time the happiest moment when my mother cooked my favorite food . My family and I eat with taste it so delicious . After that we go to the mosque for terawih together . My brother like to play fireworks in Ramadan with his friend . Fasting and focusing on prayer and charity during Ramadan is meant to purify the body and spirit and bring the faithful closer to God , fasting during the month is also one of the five pillars is Islam . 

   Ramadan ends with a day long celebration known as Eidul-fitr. Eidul-fitr begins with a special morning prayer in grand Mosque and open ground od town and cities of the world, the prayer is attended by men , women and children with their new of best clothes. A special charity , known as Zakatul-fitr is given out prior to the prayer. The rest or the day is spent in visiting relatives and friends , giving gifts to children and eating .


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