Monday 28 September 2015

If i am a superhero

Lately, superhero movie have been trending all around the world since too many director have produced this kind of fantacy movie such as Batman, Spiderman, the latest one Antman and many more. And of course many people have been addicted by this kind of movie and fantasized themself as a superhero. I know, because I do. Hahahahaha. Seems like funny right? At my age, still fantasized to be like a superhero and trying to save the world. But for me, its normal in order to be an adult.

Okayy, lets go to the topic. If I am a superhero, what would I do? First and foremost, I want to save Palestinians from being Israel’s victim. Seem like impossible if I’m just an ordinary people, but when I was a superhero. Everything is possible to be. If we can see now days, too many Palestinians had died because of greediness Israel in order to take over the country that we call Palestin in order to controlled the world by get the oil even the whole country.  Whould you guys able to see the bloodshed of innocent people almost every second? Of course not. It was a domain reason why I want to be a superhero. I will make sure this crisis end soon and no more bloodshed at this holly country where our Nabi Muhammad were born.

Second, I wish that I have the ability to manipulated the weather. If we can see, by the end of every year, Malaysia will be the most rainy country and effect a horrible flood. This flood had curse all state in Malaysia especially at the east-cost of Malaysia like Terengganu, Kuantan and Kelantan. All the houses, plants and animal destroyed by this uncontrolled phenomenal. So, if I have the ability to manipulated the weather, I will make sure that Malaysia will  get an enough rain in the same time, make sure this phenomenal won’t happen. So, Malaysian will leave happily without worrying that this phenomenal will repeatly happen every year.

The next one, I wish that I have the ability to grow the threes in a blink of eyes. Why? Course Malaysia have not enough three that can help human in many ways. Wondering what kind of ‘helping’ that three gave to us? In our daily life. Where we get the air to breath? Yes, three gave it freely to us. But how that we can get it if three has been extinct? So, I need this ability to plant more threes and make it grow up quickly so then we can get more fresh air as soon as possible.

Last but not least, I’m hoping that I have been gave the ability to control the anger in human being. Course for me, anger can make the communities split. So, I want to control it in order to save the communities from split. Why not if  I just make this kind of feeling doesn’t exist? More easier right? Every feeling that god has given has their own reason and I believe its for our goods. But if we use all that feeling over than their limits, its will effect our life. I hope I can controlled every human from being too emotional and their bad temper so people in this world can live happily.

As I can conclude from all that I wish I can do, being a superhero is not an easy work. I have to control my own temper as I want to controlled others. I have to save the world and let my dear self being threatened. I have to concern about the weather all over the year and will be busy with it. I will be the person that as busy as our prime minister or maybe more than him. So, I think I have just going to sleep and had a dream about it. Course a dreaming will not taking my time to spend with my family and my life than being a truly superhero. And you guys out there can do it too! Lets sleep!

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