Wednesday 30 September 2015


Friendship is a bond that exists between humans. I'm sure many of us have a good friend who can keep the promise and be loyal listeners when we are sad or happy .I also have a good friend name Aina Syazwani . She was always loyal to me. She also like the diary of my travels because she keeps a variety of memories I had gone through. I can't imagine how my days without her. So wherever I am and she always shared. She will defend me when I am in shame. As well as me, we protect between each other of danger.We also help each other with schoolwork, and family and problems. She helps me through my thoughest times, and she there for my best times.

It's really hard to find a friend like her. Maybe you just have a good friend that you can count on sometimes, but just her come and calm me when i am in depression. Without her I would not be as happy as now. We have so many inside jokes but not everyone understand our stupid jokes, and they might think that we are immature person that try to happy entertain people.

Aina the kind of person that I could never lie to . Even if I did try to lie or hiding some secret emotion from her, she can detect because she knows me so well then other and she also counld tell that I was lying.She also knows all my expressions and how expressions and how I sound when I'm hyper, frustrated, depressed ,annoyed or happy.She the best ever things in my life.Just remember one thing, a strong friendship doesn't need a daily conversation doesn't need togetherness, as long the relationship live in the heart true friend will never part 

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