Sunday 20 September 2015


I have one older sister and one younger brother . my sister's name is Adibah she is 20 years old and my younger brother's name is Aiman he is 17 years old .This year my brother will sit for SPM examination . He is also the most fun , lovable and adorable brother of all . I love my brother because he is responsible and understading person . My sister study at UITM Segamat, Johor . next semester will be the last sem for her to study there . She is always supportive towards me . She has been with me trough thick and thin . My brother and my sister has all the qualities of good sibling .
   Adibah had taken a lot of trouble to help me with my studies. She never fails to lend me a helping hand even when she is also busy with her assignment. One night, on the eve of my mid-term examination, she studies with me until midnight. I was happy that my sister was with me when I need the help as well as the moral support . Thanks to her, I had success in mid-term examination. 

   Aiman who is my younger brother in my sibling , has though me the value of caring and thanks to him I believe  i'm more compassionate to others. Now that I'm older and see life a different way, having my brother in my life has been a blessing. He always makes me laugh and I will always love him I think that the purpose of my brother coming to life is, letting me know that there is someone who needs me and loves me.

   I love my brother and sister dearly, even though they frustrate me, and annoy me at time . They are good siblings , and they are who would stand up for me and advise me when I am lost and confused . I am so lucky to have Adibah and Aiman as my siblings

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